Course curriculum
Creating Safety: Welcome
Read: Web Browser and Technical Support (2:00)
Read: Enabling Closed Captions (1:00)
Read: What You Need to Know About This Training (3:00)
Learn: Introduction to TIP: Creating Safety (1:25)
Read: Trauma Informed Practice - A Universal Precaution (1:00)
Learn: Objectives for TIP: Creating Safety(2:30)
Read: Additional Training (1:00)
Creating Safety: Defining Safety
Read: Safety - What Would You Do? (1:00)
Learn: Define Safety (5:05)
Read: Introduction to Cultural Safety (1:00)
Learn: Cultural Safety/Cultural Humility Video (3:44)
Quiz: Types of Safety (2:00)
Creating Safety: Trauma
Read: Trauma Symptoms and Respectful Care (1:00)
Learn: Why Safety? (2:26)
Read: Introduction to Ted Talk Video (1:00)
Watch: Ted Talk: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime (16:00)
Learn: Childhood Trauma - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (0:52)
Learn: Trauma and Substance Abuse (1:16)
Read: Introduction to How Trauma Impacts The Brain (1:00)
Watch: How Trauma Impacts The Brain (4:35)
Read: Additional Resources (1:00)
Quiz: Trauma (2:00)
Creating Safety: Diverse Populations
Read: Populations - Complex Trauma (1:00)
Learn: Diverse Populations (2:45)
Read: Ways to Create Safety for Indigenous People (1:00)
Learn: Ways to Create Safety for Indigenous People (14:12)
Learn: Sex and Gender (3:12)
Read: Introduction to Safe Places, Safe Spaces Video (1:00)
Watch: Safe Places, Safe Spaces Video (6:18)
Learn: People Who Are Refugees and Immigrants (3:28)
Learn: Diverse Populations Conclusion (1:07)
Read: Additional Resources (1:00)
Quiz: Diverse Populations (2:00)
Creating Safety: Resiliency
Read: A Core Belief - People are Resilient (2:00)
Learn: Resiliency and Healing (1:43)
Read: Introduction to Science of Resiliency Video (1:00)
Watch: Science of Resiliency Video (5:40)
Read: Introduction to Finding Dawn Video (1:00)
Watch: Finding Dawn Video (12:01)
Quiz: Resiliency (2:00)
Creating Safety: How We Create Safety
Read: How Do We Actually Do This? (2:00)
Learn: The Systems (8:50)
Learn: Providing Services One on One (7:31)
Learn: Responding to Trauma Reactions (8:00)
Read: Grounding Techniques (1:00)
Watch: Grounding Techniques Video (3:00)
Learn: Grounding Techniques (3:33)
Read: Additional Resources (1:00)
Quiz: How We Create Safety (2:00)
Creating Safety: Safety at Work
Read: Avoid Creating Trauma or Retraumatizing People (Staff Are People Too) (2:00)
Learn: Ways to Manage Stressful Experiences (2:16)
Read: The Three Minute Breathing Space Introduction (1:00)
Watch: The Three Minute Breathing Space (3:33)
Read: Maintaining Balance Introduction (1:00)
Watch: Maintaining Balance (3:00)
Read: Human Connection- Reducing Stress and Increasing Resiliency Introduction (1:00)
Watch: Human Connection- Reducing Stress and Increasing Resiliency(3:27)
Read: Wellness Practices (2:00)
Download: How to Practice Mindfulness and Meditation (1:00)
Read: Accessing Support (1:00)
Creating Safety: Making Safety Explicit
Learn: Conclusion (1:17)
Creating Safety: Conclusion
Read: Thank You (1:00)
Confirm: Completion of Trauma Informed Practice: Creating Safety (1:00)
Read: Certificate of Completion (1:00)
Read: References (2:00)